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dimanche 22 mars 2015

7 ways to surf your way slim ..

What are the ways surfing can help you lose weight? Let me tell you, because surfing can totally change your body. There was a short period in my life when I lived close to the beach in Long Island and surfing was my weekend addiction. There were many times I felt like there was nothing in the world that mattered but me, my board and the ocean. And from the results of my body alone it was apparent I was a surfer, because surfing works your arms,legs and abs. Surfing is a great total body workout with a major focus on strengthening the core. Just look at a lean surfer’s body, it is beautiful. Here are the ways surfing can help you lose weight. 


Sometimes we focus so much on the challenges that workouts are that we forget it is okay for it to just be fun. Surfing burns approximately 250 calories an hour (based on a 150lb person). If you are up to the challenge you can go for 4 hours to burn 1000 calories while having a blast. This tops the ways surfing can help you lose weight!  


Just by being out at the beach with the fresh air alone you may feel mental clarity, but when combined with surfing the waves, you will feel great! Look at the ocean as your oasis and enjoy the waves. Want to feel more mental and physical strength? Then hit the waves! This mental clarity will help you to lose weight and feel great!


As you head out to sea, paddle with your arms and legsand alternate. This will get your heart rate up more and condition your total body. And this will aid in your weight loss goals!


Balancing on your board while you ride the waves can be a challenge and it majorly focuses on utilizing your core. So tighten your abs and enjoy the abdominal workout you will get when surfing. And this will help you to lose weight!


After riding the waves for 3 or 4 hours, you will be famished and the most refreshing meal will be a healthy one. Make sure you have a nice salad with some fruit and vegetables. Studies show that people that exercise eat healthier and have more energy. Lose weight, tone and have a great time while you surf in the sun!


If you surf with a group of friends, you will have a great time in their company while accessing if you are up for the next wave. This is a great sport to do in a group because you will get caught up in the fun and forget you are getting a workout


Aside from the strengthening of your muscles, conditioning your total body and cardiovascular strengthening, you will feel more energy and be fit as a result of regularly surfing. And take it from me, being fit is so much fun!
Now that you know the ways that surfing can help you to lose weight, get ready to embark on a new journey on the ocean. Are you ready to take up the challenge?


Natural juices to cleanse your kidneys

The kidneys are organs that have an indispensable role in the functioning of the body. Their job is to clean the blood of harmful substances are removed through the urine and also to remove excess fluid in the body.

Indeed, clean our kidneys  is important. This process is through a healthy, balanced diet. For this, we offer natural juice recipes fruit and vegetables both beneficial and delicious.

How can we detoxify our kidneys? Natural juices.

Starting the day with one of these juice is ideal for keeping your body healthy, especially renal disease. You can choose one or alternate. You can feel the difference after a week of use: more excess fluid and full of energy and vitality.

The juice with apple and celery:

The apple is one of the most complete fruit that helps relieve kidney disease, while celery is a vegetable diuretic properties. This blend is ideal for cleansing the kidneys.

A branch of green and fresh celery, with leaves
3 apples (if they are organic, you can mix them with the skin)
A few leaves of fresh mint. (Optional)

The juice and fennel salad:

Otherwise eat the salad, making it a tasty and beneficial juices. In addition to its diuretic properties, salad helps regulate the nervous system. As with fennel, it helps remove excess fluids.

5 leaves of lettuce, washed well (avoid iceberg variety, it contains virtually no nutrients)
A fresh fennel piece of root
A spoon of honey

The juice with tomato, onion and sea water:

The tomato is a vegetable rich in potassium. Mix this vegetable with onion and sea water, rich in minerals, and you get one of the most beneficial liquid to remove excess water in the body.

4 ripe tomatoes
Half an onion
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons of sea water

The direct application of a heat source above the kidneys increase your well-being and energy. This method is applied in different ways, half an hour a day: using a hot water bottle, electric heating mat, using moxibustion technique with a massage or by covering the area with many natural wool .
This advice will be most useful during cold periods.

Lose 500 grams per day with Beyoncé's diet

Much research has shown that the lemon helps in the fat burning process. The following diet may even help you lose weight very quickly, ½ kilo per day. This is the one that allowed Beyoncé lost 17 pounds after pregnancy. It cleanses your body of all toxins, improving the functioning of your immune system.

  • Ingredients:

2 liters of water, juice 6 lemons, 120 g of honey, a few ice cubes and 10 mint leaves.
  • Preparation:

Heat the water without boiling. Add remaining ingredients and let stand in refrigerator for several hours. Sift before preparation of the drink. Add an ice cube every time you drink a cup because the body consumes more energy to warm drinks.
  • Use:

Drink a glass of this preparation before breakfast,
which shall consist of a fruit salad of your choice.
Drink a second glass at 11 am, accompanied by some
roasted almonds.
For lunch, eat a boiled egg with a tossed salad
olive oil and cider vinegar.
At 16 hours, drink another drink and eat fruit.
At dinner, eat fish or grilled chicken with a salad.
Drink a drink two hours before bedtime.

samedi 21 mars 2015

Time to Break Up ? look to this ways before

The road to a fulfilling, enduring relationship is almost always littered with a few attempts that turned out to be unfulfilling and unenduring. That’s what dating is all about—finding out if two people have the qualities and compatibility to sustain a relationship over the long haul.
Sometimes you know for sure when it’s time to break up. But other times you’re not so sure. Should you hang in there and give it a chance? Or should you move on so you don’t squander precious time and energy? Here are 15 indicators that, yes, it’s time to move on and seek better prospects:
. Questions keep popping up in your head. It’s natural and healthy to evaluate a relationship at critical steps, but don’t ignore those nagging concerns that are trying to tell you something.
. You’ve lost that lovin’ feeling way too soon. If you don’t feel consistent sparks and fireworks while dating, it’s a sure sign the chemistry just isn’t there.
. The people closest to you express concern. If several people sound the alarm about your relationship, it’s wise to at least take it seriously.
. Mistrust has crept in. Trust is the glue that holds couples together. If you have legitimate reason to doubt your partner’s trustworthiness, you can be sure more trouble is coming.
. You wonder about your partner’s emotional health. If your dating partner is very self-absorbed, paranoid, overly defensive, easily angered, or anything else that indicates an emotional health deficit, it’s best to move on.
. You’ve realized the two of you have missions in life that don’t mesh. Sometimes two good people simply have goals and ambitions that don’t complement each other’s.
The two of you differ on important aspects of life. If you have significantly different perspectives on social issues, religion, politics, parenting, environmentalism, and use of finances, it’s best to find a partner whose convictions more closely align with your own.
. Your partner is holding too tightly to the past. Take note if the other person talks often about his ex, relives the glory days of past achievements, or is held back by old friends. Thriving relationships live in the present and plan for the future.
. Your communication is strained or superficial. If you and your partner struggle to have open, heartfelt communication, the relationship will surely suffer.
. You can’t resolve conflicts. In solid relationships, two people learn to manage their conflicts thoroughly and efficiently so that harmony prevails most of the time. Relationships fall apart when conflicts don’t get resolved.
. Your interests don’t interest each other. If you have five or six major interests, it’s a good idea to find someone who shares two or three of them. The more hobbies and activities you both enjoy, the stronger your relationship will be.
. You don’t feel free to be yourself. No relationship is going to reach it’s potential unless both partners are authentic. You will feel stifled and suffocated if you cannot consistently express your true self.
. The pet peeves have piled up. The way people live day in and day out (punctuality, grooming, personal habits) can be no problem or a big problem. If it’s the latter for you, don’t ignore the annoyances.
. You don’t feel 100 percent supported. If you notice that the person you’re with shows little regard for your ambitions and consistently displays a me-first attitude, you’re probably in the presence of someone more selfish than selfless.
. You notice wandering eyes. It’s natural to admire attractive people, but if you or your partner frequently “check out” others, it may be because you feel something significant is lacking in your current relationship.

Take this Quiz for know if you have an Emotional affair

A soul mate relationship is based on trust, commitment, and a strong desire to be together. Still, despite this powerful bond, it’s also true that your hearts will be stretched in countless ways. The danger, especially during challenging times, is that you may be vulnerable to having an emotional affair. This can damage trust and stop you from surrendering to the growth needed for your relationship.
What is an emotional affair?  it as when you turn to a friend or co-worker for emotional (not physical) intimacy. The seduction is that this person gives you what you feel your mate doesn’t: support, ego boosts, empathy, playfulness, an undercurrent of flirting or attraction. Initially, this can seem innocent but you may begin to share more with this “safe” person than with your mate. I understand how it can be easier to talk to someone sympathetic who’s more peripheral. You’re not wrestling with the same hot-button emotions such as anger or disappointment that can arise with a soul mate. Your dark sides aren’t engaged, which is what causes most impasses among couples.
However, if you keep sharing with your special friend and not your spouse, your primary relationship will suffer. You’ll become distant, less present, and therefore less able to resolve conflicts. Your partner will sense something is wrong. Basically, these affairs are a form of cheating, and like any infidelity can lead to deception and betrayal. In fact, research reports that about half of these “innocent” liaisons eventually turn into full blown sexual affairs. With a true platonic soul friend, there’s no deception, hidden sexual agenda, nor is anyone diverting your emotional energy from your primary relationship.
How do you know you’re having an emotional affair?
Watch for these signs:
You withdraw from your spouse but confide in your friend.
It’s difficult to talk to your spouse about conflicts.
You feel lonely and that your spouse doesn’t appreciate you.
You’re frequently online with your friend, texting, or even sexting.
You believe your friend understands you better than your spouse.
You keep your friendship a secret from your spouse or lie about how often you interact.
When you’re confronted with the emotional affair, you deny it.
If five to seven signs are present, it strongly suggests you’re having an emotional affair. Three to four signs indicate that you’re either primed to have one or you already are. One to two signs suggest the possibility of an emotional affair. Zero yeses indicate that you are not involved with one.
It takes honesty to admit you’re having an emotional affair. The first step is to recognize what’s happening. Then you have the choice to either continue the affair or decide to focus on your partner. The truth is, you can’t do both. If you choose your partner, you must surrender to doing what it takes to heal the relationship. First, this means cutting off the emotional affair. In a respectful, clear way you must tell the other person, “I can’t cyber-chat, text, meet up with you, or talk on the phone anymore. It’s not possible for us to be ‘just friends.’”
Then, openly talk to your partner about what’s causing the distance. Is it his or her long hours at work? A lingering hurt? Lack of affection? Many therapists recommend confessing your emotional affair. In most cases I agree, but how and whether you decide to do this depends on what will be most caring and helpful to your partner. At the very least, I suggest that patients lovingly communicate, “I’ve been sharing my feelings more with a friend than I have with you. This doesn’t feel right. I want us to be closer.” Or you can acknowledge that you’ve crossed a line and how far you’ve crossed it. Use your intuition as a guide for how much you want to share. But be prepared for your partner’s hurt and angry feelings. Listen without getting defensive. Then, together or with a therapist, begin to address where you’ve grown apart or shut down. Despite great pain, soul mates have what it takes to withstand difficulty until things are resolved. It may take time, awareness, and love, but with bonds as strong as these, I know it’s possible.

How to Know if You’re in Love … or Addicted to Love

There is such a thing as a love addiction where the connection between two people is more chaotic than positive but they cannot seem to separate. One person is usually self-centered and the other overly-empathic. The self-centered person comes and goes as they please, while the empathic person is stuck in an unpredictable pattern of trying to let go only to get sucked back in any time the self-centered person comes back and wants them or gives them any type of attention.
Here are 5 Signs You are Addicted to a Toxic Relationship:
1. Craving: When love is an addiction, there is a compulsive and chronic craving or pursuit of a lover in an effort to get a sense of security and worth from them. These relationships always stay true to the extremes of infatuation and heartbreak, hardly ever functioning in the middle where true intimacy can exist. It is the roller coaster ride where you no longer have control over your self-esteem, emotional stability or independence. You are always on the edge of breakdown and obsessed with every action, word, glance, or move your partner makes.
2. Infatuation: When we are in the infatuation phase we believe we have finally gained and secured the relationship, only to be horribly disappointed and empty again once the person decides they cannot commit after all. The negative consequences can be severe and yet the love addict continues to hang on to the belief that true love will fix everything. Infatuation has been proven to take over the more rational parts of the brain. People cannot understand why the nice person keeps going back, because from the outside looking in there is nothing but a toxic connection there.
3Hope is dope: When the person you once loved and who broke your heart comes back, you get a huge sense of relief and become hopeful. You see something in that person no one else does. The rewards keep you hooked because they alleviate the pain and suffering. They make you believe they really do want you they are just “not ready” or “too scared.” These justifications are the hopeful qualities which keep you waiting.
4. Intermittent reinforcement: A lack of predictability is incredibly seductive and rewarding. Sadly, when you never know if or when you will get rewarded you go through a process of withdrawal and depression. When there is no reward you begin to give up, until that person reappears in your life — promising change and undying love. Just as you get sucked in, they disappoint again.
5. Loss of support: When you are in a toxic relationship, you often lose the respect and support from those who love you the most. At some point they cannot hear your broken record over and over again. Because nothing is stable, you are needy for advice all the time and you wear those out who will listen to you because your story never changes.
Solution: Get out. It is easier said than done, but there is no future with a person who is toxic. You will listen and believe every excuse they make which can go on for years. You have to decide how many years you want to waste on broken promises. You have to be wise, look at the reality of the pattern and dismantle the hope that keeps you believing this person will at some point change and offer you the relationship you want.

Know more about guys

Sometimes girls become confused when dealing with guys and relationships. Most of the girls would analyze a man’s personality without ending up with any conclusion. Misunderstanding your partner is the number one factor that could lead to a break up. Guys appear to be mysterious and shady, but in reality they’re not! These few interesting and weird facts might help you tolerate your boyfriend more.

Guys enjoy flirting with other girls, but at night they always think about the girl they care about the most.

Guys practice their speech before calling a girl. Sounds cute!!

Don’t talk about your ex-boyfriend or guy friends in front of your bf. Guys hate it!!!

If he’s serious about the relationship he probably loves you more than you do.

Guys like lady-likeness and femininity.

Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.


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